Yes, it’s possible to practice law without using paper.
Legal professionals are all too familiar with paper record-keeping. Whether it’s incorporation documents, client intake records, wills and estate documents, or real estate deals, legal transactions of all kinds consume reams upon reams of paper. For law firms, all of this paper means added costs and reduced efficiency. From money spent on paper and printer ink, to the electricity your printers use, to the time it takes your staff to assemble and organize your minute books, paper-based processes are a drag on your profits.
That’s why running a paperless law practice has become such a popular choice in the digital era. Today’s modern law firms are moving away from paper-based processes and adopting digital tools that enable them to better manage their documents – and in doing so, they’re challenging the idea that paper is an inevitable part of legal practice.
So how can you boost your firm’s efficiency and cut down on costs by going paper-free? Here’s what you need to know about running a paperless law practice.
While the law in your jurisdiction may still require some documents to be on physical paper, digitizing the majority of your documents will still render significant benefits. First and foremost, you’ll save money on storage by averting the need to rent space for your records. Second, your staff will have more time for high-value tasks because they won’t need to spend precious minutes searching filing cabinets for records – instead, they can simply comb through your digital records with a Search function and immediately find what they’re looking for.
Paperless law practices save on a number of costs like paper supplies, pens, and (the big one) printer ink. These cost efficiencies may seem small to larger firms, but for a mid-sized firm, it adds up quickly.
By going paperless, you’re also indicating to clients that your firm is forward-thinking and that you care about the client experience. Clients don’t have time anymore to come on-site to sign documents; it’s much more convenient for them to manage legal documents through a secure online portal. Running a paperless practice, therefore, makes for a better client experience.
Furthermore, digitizing your records means your firm is more secure, not less: Digital files can easily be encrypted and kept behind multiple firewalls to prevent unauthorized access or stored off-site to prevent destruction, whereas physical documents can be easily stolen or lost.
Finally, going paperless is a great way to demonstrate that your firm is environmentally conscious. If you’re struggling to recruit new employees, you may find that becoming a more sustainable firm can help you attract those young, energetic Millennials and Gen Z associates to help clear out work backlogs.
If your firm is going to go paperless, you’ll need to add to your tech stack in order to make it happen. (While it may seem like adding more technology subscriptions is creating more costs, you’ll actually save money on the back end by spending less on paper, helping your team be more efficient, and no longer needing to maintain a printer.)
The first piece of software you’ll need is a customer relationship management program, or CRM. A CRM will enable you to keep track of your client interactions in one centralized database – so instead of having to search through emails and notes, you can easily see who said what to whom and when.
You’ll also need a records management and document automation program to keep your records organized and help you accelerate the document production process. Ideally, this platform should have (or integrate with) a cloud-based storage system so that you can ensure your whole team can access your records no matter where they are. It should also come with robust client intake features to ensure you can digitize your entire document production process.
Finally, you’ll need some kind of digital signing tool like Adobe Sign or DocuSign. A digital signing application will enable you to take signatures remotely, eliminating the need to mail out packages or have clients come on-site to sign documents.
Going paperless isn’t just a decision; it’s a process. There’s a series of steps you’ll need to take in order to deal with your paper records and start digitizing new records.
First and foremost, you’ll want to ensure you scan any paper files into your records management program. This step can be quite labour-intensive, so you may need to hire some temporary file clerks in order to get it done. (Alternatively, digital record-keeping solutions like Appara may offer partnerships with third-party providers to assist with this process.) Once you’ve digitized your paper files, you should return them to the client so they don’t clutter up your office.
Next, you’ll want to review any remaining paper documents to determine which ones are necessary and which ones you no longer need to keep. Shred any documents that you no longer require or that you’re no longer legally obligated to keep, and ensure the remaining documents are kept in a secure area.
Look for digital tools that can help you replace the need for paper in your practice. A digital fax service like HelloFax can make it possible to send and receive faxes digitally, for instance.
Finally, it’s time to change your workflow. Start by digitizing your client intake forms; you’ll then be well-positioned to maintain digital records going forward. Then, leverage your digital tools to conduct and share your work across your firm.
In order to go fully paperless, you’ll also want to digitize your billing and collections processes. An accounting program like QuickBooks can make it easy for you to send invoices and receive payments digitally, meaning no more paper cheques to worry about.
Running a paperless law firm used to be a pipe dream. Now, though, thanks to modern technology, you can easily reduce or eliminate paper from your firm’s workflows and go fully digital. A paperless firm presents a number of advantages for partners, lawyers, and paralegals; from reduced costs, to better security, to more efficiency and beyond, running a paperless firm can render a number of competitive advantages.
Are you ready to reap the benefits of a paperless law firm? Book a demo to unlock your FREE trial of Appara today and discover how going paperless can save you time and money.
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